
About Me


I'm Sarah, a 20something dreamer, explorer, cake baker & clothes hoarder. Wintersports obsessed, book worm & orange lover. 

Always on the move, I'm currently discovering life & the world in Munich!
Thanks for stopping by! 

What I've loved the most:

- 2008 - 2011 BA History @ University of Southampton
- 2011 - 2012 Work & Travel in Australia
- 2012 - London Olympics
- 2013 - Ski Instructor 
- 2013 - 2014 Internship @ Skiinternat Oberstdorf/ Allgäuer Skiverband
- 2013 - Vierschanzentournee Oberstdorf
- 2014 - FIS Nordic Combined World Cup Oberstdorf, Audi FIS Alpine European Cup
- 2014 - Backpacking Thailand
- 2014 - Move to Munich