
Saturday 3 December 2011

Byron Bay & Lamington National Park

We've got my other aunt and her boyfriend visiting us at the moment, which I am so happy about! It's kind of strange to be with family on the other side of the world but it's been so good! Yesterday we went to Byron Bay (again) and to the Lamington National Park in New South Wales. It was such a good day, despite getting lost in the car for a bit. Byron Bay is one of the nicest places and I'm so glad that it was sunny both times I've been now! We saw loads of dolphins & a manta ray at Byron Bay, which was sooo awesome but sadly I couldn't get any pictures because my camera lens still can't get close enough at 55mm. Two weeks ago we also saw 2 turtles which was probably the highlight of my life! At Byron Bay, the best thing is the many different colours of the sea! It's like on a postcard but in real life! I've never seen anything like it.
At the Lamington National Park, we had a really good view down onto the whole Gold Coast, including Surfer's Paradise. We went to see the King Parrots who came and sat on our shoulders & ate my apple! lol They were so cute! Then we did a treetop walk in the rainforest, which was also cool! They had a platform in one of the trees that you could climb up but I was wearing a dress... wouldn't have been a good look if I'd climbed up! Walking through the rainforest is always really cool, especially when the sunlight barely gets through the trees. I kept such a good look out for Koalas, too but didn't spot any this time. 
On the way back down the mountain, we saw the sunset over the Gold Coast Hinterland, which is beautiful and mountainous and we had such a good view over the valleys and mountains. It's weird that it was kind of European looking with lots of cows and green grass but at the same time, the sun was so bright and the Eucalyptus trees are so typically Australian. I loved it and it makes me kind of sad that I'm leaving Australia... all of a sudden, I wanna stay forever! I'm definitely coming back when I get some money together again :P 
Here are my favourite pictures from our trip! 

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