
Friday 9 December 2011


It's taken me ages to get these pictures up, mainly because Australian internet hasn't caught up with Europe quite yet and also I've been busy starting my job and doing other things like getting ready for Christmas :)
But here are the pictures of my first day in Melbourne. It was so cold though, only 13 degrees and it rained a bit so I went round the city on the amazing free tourist bus, which drops you off and picks you up at all the best tourist spots in the city. I decided to do a bit of shopping in the Harbour Town shopping centre, which is like an outlet centre type thing near the docklands. I mainly just window shopped, though. I also walked around the docklands area a bit where I admired the Southern Star, the ferry's wheel which is being put back together after some heat damage last year. I found a Australian walk of fame, where I spotted Hugh Jackman and took the free Tram (how awesome is all the free transport) back into the city centre, where I hung out in Federation Square, which has really cool arty building round it's outside, took some pictures of the second tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere, which has the tallest viewing platform in the Southern Hemisphere, the Eureka Tower (last picture) and hung out in the Tourist Information Centre, which I loved because it was underground and a lovely lady told me all about what to do in Melbourne. On my travels, I spotted the Restaurant tram (below), which apparently serves amazing food while you are going round the city on a tram... so cool! I also saw the Melbourne Arts Centre Spire up close (5th picture), which was even better by night but I'll show you those pictures another day.

1 comment:

  1. this is incred, love the photo diary!
    the 10th pic of the funky building, wow!
    Great post, thanks for sharing!

    if you like we can follow each other on bloglovin :)
    let me know!
