
Sunday 30 October 2011

Week in Photos #2

This week, I arrived in Sydney! Whoop! I am so happy I'm here! I have been up to so much but will try and publish some more blog posts about it another time. Here are a few pictures of the past week:
First peek of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is larger than life! I couldn't believe how big it is!

Sydney Government House, the most beautiful building in the city... even better than the Opera House imho...

Classic tourist picture... me freezing outside the Sydney Harbour Bridge!

Much better... although now I have to squint! ha

Falling in love with Starbucks Ice Teas!

Went to Manly on the Ferry from Wharf 3!

UNESCO World Heritage Site: Hyde Park Barracks Museum

Sydney skyline

My first sighting of an Aborigine!

What have you been up to this week? 


  1. This looks so good, looks like you're having a great time. I haven't been to Sydney since I was 10 which seems a bit silly, as I only live in Brisbane. I'll have to get back there one day :)


  2. Thanks :) I am actually staying in Brisbane with my aunt & uncle till February & love it there! x

  3. Wow, great photos, the city looks amazing, Would so like to visit.
