
Tuesday 1 November 2011

Featherdale Wildlife Park

As part of my trip to the Blue Mountains, we got to go to a Wildlife Park in North Sydney. The land where the Wildlife Park now is actually started out as a Chicken Farm in 1953 but throughout the years, people began to bring injured or unwanted animals to the farm and so in 1972, Featherdale opened as a Wildlife Park. Still today, people bring their unwanted pet birds or injured Koalas to the park, where they're cared for & nursed and then eventually released into the wild again. 
I absolutely loved the park and I think it was one of the best experiences I've ever had! I've always loved Zoos but walking through the park when Kangaroos are jumping all over the place is just an extraordinary experience. Of course there are lots of Koalas and even though they sleep most of the day, I think they look cutest when they're all curled up in a ball in a tree! 
The best thing about the park was that we got to "cuddle" a Koala and have our picture taken with it! You're not actually allowed to hold them, as it's forbidden by law and you can get fined but we were allowed to stroke them and get really close to one and even feed it some Eucalyptus leaves! I was literally so happy all day because I got to stroke a Koala and will probably never forget it! 
An Echidna (below) looks like a hedgehog but is actually a tiny ant-eater. It has a really long nose, which you can't see in the picture and runs really quickly with a little wobbly walk. 
I really wanted to take home the cute albino Kangaroo! Such a sweety! 
Kangaroos are the most common animal at the park & there were so many different types and sizes and colours! They're absolutely beautiful but probably sadly over fed and overly touched by all the tourists that come to visit. I didn't touch one & just stuck to taking photos but their fur looks really soft and it makes me sad when I see it get sold in Souvenir shops!
A little Wallaby and her joey! 
There are hundreds of different birds in the park but this one was particularly interesting :) 
The park also hosts animals, which I've never seen in real life before, such as Tasmanian Devils and Wombats. (below)
This is an Australian King Parrot (below), which is so pretty! They feed on the seeds, berries, fruit and nuts of many Australian tree and shrub species and is found all over Australia. It's really cool that birds we would keep as pets in Europe actually fly around freely in Australia! (Obviously not this one but tons of others)
And one more Koala picture of some more active Koalas in the park! I just can't resist! Can't wait till I buy my own furry  toy  pet Koala. They have such amazing ones in the shops & they can be really expensive but it's so worth it to remember the my cute little friends :P

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