
Sunday 13 November 2011

Hyde Park Barracks Museum

On one of the more gloomy days in Sydney, I went to the Hyde Park Barracks Museum, where I was lucky enough to get discounted entry with my wonderful Youth Hostel Association Card. If you know me, then you know I love history and I loved finding out a bit more about the origins of Sydney, I also went to The Rocks museum, which stands now where British settlers first started laying the rocks of Sydney but unfortunately you weren't allowed to take pictures.
Below is what Sydney used to look like, probably only 150 years ago, with windmills and horse carts.
This is where Sydney first began, the area now known as The Rocks is directly underneath the Harbour Bridge.
These were some of the jobs people used to do in old Sydney town: 
Food for the convicts that were brought to the Hyde Park Barracks... 
The convicts had to sleep in cramped rooms on hammocks, night after night. Pretty horrible!
This is what the Museum looks like today from the outside & it's one of the best historic buildings in Sydney. It was built in 1819 and started out as a home for male convicts where they worked, slept and played. It later also housed a female asylum. 

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