
Saturday 24 December 2011

Deck The Halls!

It's Christmas!! It's already the end of the day on Christmas Eve in Australia and in Germany we always celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so for me it's definitely Christmas right now. Except I'm pretty much on my own, except for 2 cats who probably don't know what Christmas is. For weeks, I've told myself that I wasn't going to do Christmas this year cos I'm on my own but when I woke up this morning I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. I opened up the last door of my Advent Calendar and put on Christmas music really loud! It was all topped off when I went to check the post box & there was a $20 iTunes gift voucher for me!
Since it's Christmas Day tomorrow, I then proceeded to clean the house to make it look especially nice for the "Big Day" and then decided I was going to have to make a Christmas desert for myself. I literally searched the web for ages for some good ideas but finally decided to make something that I've come up with myself. A Vanilla Christmas Log, which is currently in the freezer and will be ready tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I'm having a pre Barbecued Chicken with lots of vegetables as a Christmas Dinner, in good Australian style! I'm giving the roast potatoes and stuffing a miss this year.
Being on my own on Christmas Day doesn't actually bother me that much because I know that tomorrow in 1 month I'll be back in Austria with my family and I have lots of presents for them to unwrap, which means it'll be a second Christmas, just 1 month late. I'm also going to make my mum or dad cook an amazing meal :P I do have one present to open tomorrow from my aunt. I've never opened presents on Christmas morning so I thought I'd do it this year. I haven't asked for anything this year and my parents already gave me some money towards things I've done while I've been in Australia so I just can't wait for them to see all the gifts I've got them from the other side of the world :)
Right now, though, I'm listening to Michael Bublé's Christmas songs, which I already bought with my iTunes voucher :P and waiting for Christmas Day to come and go. I'm much more excited for New Years Eve, for leaving the bad parts of this year behind and making 2012 an amazing one.
Merry Christmas Everyone, Frohe Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel, Buon Natale. Wherever you may be & even if you're not celebrating Christmas, have a good day tomorrow! 
Here are some of my pictures from the Christmas Time:

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